Saturday, June 2, 2007

Requiescat petaso

I confess that my recent post about the kid in Georgie who took down a big wild boar has been on my mind since I posted it.

I have been thinking about my wife's reaction when I showed her the picture (she really doesn't like pigs). I've been thinking about my remark that I don't care for trophy hunting. I've been thinking about that big old pig and the only (semi-)wild pig I've ever encountered.

Wild, living animals have a certain majesty that I think hunters probably appreciate like few others. How ironic, then, that they should kill them. I have no problem with people killing and eating their own food. I think that that's just fine. I also believe, though, that pork is still available at the supermarket and that this huge beast (who must have gone unnoticed in the wild for many years to have grown so large) was a rare treasure.

I'm sorry that this big, ugly beast is dead.

I posted the picture because I thought that the pig's immense size is impressive. Now, I just feel bad that we can't appreciate it still alive.