Wednesday, April 11, 2007

D&D at school

I have started a Dungeons and Dragons game at the school where I teach. Initially, when I offered to run the game, I thought I'd have no takers. Then one student's enthusiasm dragged in her friend and I managed to convince two more students that they would enjoy the game, and they have. Today was the fourth gaming session for the first four players (at an hour a pop) and three more players showed up today, eager to join. They enjoyed the game, too, one even remarking "This would make a good video game."

Each day we play (twice a week), each of my players eagerly double-checks to make sure that we're playing. Now, I just need to figure out a way to boost enthusiasm for my class lessons to match that of the game.

The real comfort for me is knowing that at least one of my students sometimes comes to school only to play D&D. Anything that gets them in the door is good.