Saturday, April 21, 2007

Change of programming

When your favorite radio station stops playing good music and starts playing stuff you hate to get new advertisers to replace the ones they pissed off, it is referred to as "a programming change."

I realized a moment ago that my profile claims that I will write about what's going on in the classes I teach. I actually don't do that - mainly because I don't believe that anybody who reads my blog actually cares which worksheets my students did together in class today. Frankly, most of my clientèle is a) either not net-savvy enough to enter into the blogosphere, or b)they don't give a rip what their kids or classmates are doing. I have, in the past, refrained from posting honest opinions or using appropriately coarse language because I wanted this blog to be student- and parent-friendly.

That is a moot point and I will now write what I please as I please and stop claiming that I think that my students or their parents visit here to get information they couldn't get in class or by emailing me.

If and when the clientèle I teach changes, I may invite them here again, but as it stands now, these Feckless Ramblings are for me. If my students or their parents visit, that is incidental.