Thursday, January 18, 2007

Long Day

Complaining about a problem can be cathartic, but so can hearing how others have it worse.

My day today started (or, rather it was supposed to have started) this morning at 5. I rushed to get to work and had mixed degrees of cooperation and productivity from my students until about 3:30, when I left for a seminar, which ran over, finally calling the day quits at about 6:45, when I was able to go home and put together a dinner-like food substance and check in here before turning in for the night (it's now approaching 10 p.m.).

I know that plenty of people have longer, more arduous days than I do. If you do, please share. If your story is the most miserable, you win the sympathy of those who read it, bragging rights for the most trying schedule, and the satisfaction of knowing that you've helped the rest of us feel better about how much worse it could be.

If no one else posts, I'll assume that those who have tougher schedules than mine are wise enough to get the sleep they can rather than posting here.