Sunday, August 9, 2009

Branch Selection Complete - Field Artillery - King of Battle

  • "Ultima ratio regum" English: "The final argument of kings" - Louis XIV's inscription on French artillery
  • "Do not forget your dogs of war, your big guns, which are the most-to-be respected arguments of the rights of kings." - Frederick II of Prussia
  • "The artillery lends honor to that which would otherwise be a vulgar brawl." - Frederick II of Prussia
  • "God is on the side with the best artillery." - Napoléon Bonaparte
  • "The first shot is for the Devil, the second for God, and only the third for the King." - Napoléon Bonaparte
  • "The best generals are those who have served in the artillery." - Napoléon Bonaparte
  • "I do not have to tell you who won the war. You know, the artillery did." - General George S. Patton, Jr.
  • "Brother, your best friend ain't your Momma, it's the Field Artillery." - A sign at Fort Benning, US Infantry School
  • "The Guns, thank God, the Guns." - Rudyard Kipling
  • "Renown awaits the commander who first restores artillery to its prime importance on the battlefield." - Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill
  • "Artillery is the god of war." Joseph Stalin