Sunday, March 2, 2008

OS Stands for Operating System

That's one the half-dozen IT (information technology) terms that I know.

I don't need to know any though to know that I like Windows XP. I know that it's not for everyone, and I know that the debate over which OS is better is as ubiquitous and arbitrary as the Coke vs. Pepsi debate once was and is far more heated, but I'm pleased to have found one which I like and which will run most software I want to use.

I already knew that I'm not "Vista Ready," but a recent article in the New York Times cements that in my mind by reporting that Microsoft knew about serious problems with Vista before launch but chose to move forward anyway under a shroud of customer confusion.

I retract my italicized text below. It is an unkind joke that I leave up only so that other readers understand the context of the ensuing comments. Follow the link and you will see for yourself that my sister is not a proselytizer, but a knowledgeable professional and a talented photographer.
(And please, while I love comments, don't try to convert me to the Cult of Apple. My sister Mosker is a Maccian, and I still love her, but the cult in general creeps me out just a little.)