Sunday, February 24, 2008


I'm suffering from withdrawals, or "discontinuation syndrome."

I switched anti-depressant meds. I was taking Cymbalta, a combination seratonin- and norepinephrine-reuptake inhibitor. Because it wasn't cutting it, I've recently switched to Wellbutrin, which is a norepinephrine- and dopamine-reuptake inhibitor. The timing is fairly unscientific, as I just started taking the med for the periodic limb movement disorder, so it's hard to sort out various impacts of various pharmaceuticals, but I need to get all of this sorted out before my coverage expires at the end of March.

Anyway, as I'm learning is characteristic of discontinuing a seratonin-reuptake inhibitor, I have this nearly perpetual lightheadedness, low-grade nausea, and a throbbing vertigo similar to the severe dehydration one might associate with acute inebriation. It's fine as long as I'm lying down and not moving, but it sucks while I'm upright and moving about.

Basically, it only sucks while I'm awake.

That's not what this post is really about though.

I've recently started playing the MMORPG World of Warcraft with a ten-day trial account. The game is lot of fun and helps pacify my long-aching desire to play D&D again. Shel even tried it and enjoys it.

That trial account has expired. I really can't justify buying a video game, especially one which requires a monthly subscription, while I'm unemployed, but a dear friend (the chief influence in getting me to try the game in the first place) has sent me a copy of the game via snail mail for my upcoming birthday. I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of this package.

I know it's Sunday, but maybe USPS will make an exception and deliver today. I suppose it's worth the swimming, pulsing nausea to go out and check the mail to see if there has been a total breech of normal policy and the letter carrier will find a way to wedge the software and manuals in the little mailbox.

or not